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Wireless Charging

Wireless Charging


The wireless charging section is the spirit of this project because by using wireless charging mythology which can extant the flying distance from 12.5 miles to 70 or 80 miles, a cities-to-cities distance, which can make the hexacopter more pragmatic. It can also finish many tasks process automatically such as 3D map rendering because we need to replace the batteries whenever the batteries are out and set the route again after replacing the batteries. However, if the multicopter could go to the charging pad itself whenever it is or about to out of the battery, we only need to set the route once and it can finish the task robustly. In this project, I used the metamaterial-inspired split-ring-resonators- (SRRs-) loaded loop structure which i published in my senior because which were embedded within a small loop fed by a coplanar strip to increase the effective permeability of the near zone of the loop to concentrate the magnetic flux. Moreover, the proposed structure embedded with the inner SRRs exhibited greater efficiency over a considerable frequency range and the PTE was found to improve up to 58% around 13.56 MHz. According to the Alliance for Wireless Power (A4WP), the common metal objects do not heat significantly around 6.78 MHz. However, this frequency is not allowed to use in Taiwan, as a consequent, I use 13.56 MHz instead.



With a 5800 mAh battery, I used the abovementioned resonator to charge in 1.5 A; it roughly needs 4 hours recharging. While it recharges, the Arduino can calculate its power consumption from the starting point to the charging pad. This means the hexacopter will be able to calculate how much it needs to be charged to be able to travel to the next charging pad. A multicopter outfitted with a standard battery can fly for about 30 minutes at 25 miles per hour. If a charge is permitted, we can extend the range from 12.5 miles one way to 60 miles or even 80 miles in one day by charging five times and flying six times, making 75 miles feasible within one day.


The major problem of using multicopters—limited distance due to battery factors—is thereby ameliorated. Other applications can also be developed. For example, I have used a high-resolution camera, GoPro Hero4, to record images, and hexacopter can enhance the aircraft’s capabilities and allow users to attach heavy loads or pesticide sprayers or even carry high-performance CPUs and GPUs as well as two cameras, one of which is a depth camera This could help ascertain the best locations for more charging pads.




Robotics Institute 

University of Michigan

© 2021 by Bruce Personal Website. 

Updated on 8/21/2021

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