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Arduino Code of MAVLINK_READ

#include <EEPROM.h> #include <FastSerial.h> #include <AP_Common.h> #include <AP_Math.h> #include <math.h> #include <GCS_MAVLink.h> #include <LiquidCrystal.h> LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2); // static boolean mavbeat = 0; static uint8_t apm_mav_system; static uint8_t apm_mav_component; static uint8_t osd_mode = 0; static uint8_t base_mode=0; static bool motor_armed = 0; static bool bGotHome = 0; static uint8_t osd_nav_mode = 0; static float osd_vbat_A = 0; // Battery A voltage in milivolt static int16_t osd_curr_A = 0; // Battery A current static uint8_t osd_battery_remaining_A = 0; // 0 to 100 <=> 0 to 1000 static float osd_alt_gps = 0; // altitude static float osd_lat = 0; // latidude static float osd_lon = 0; // longitude static uint8_t osd_fix_type = 0; // GPS lock 0-1=no fix, 2=2D, 3=3D static uint8_t osd_satellites_visible = 0; // number of satelites static uint16_t osd_cog; // Course over ground static uint16_t eph = 0; static float osd_airspeed = 0; // airspeed static float osd_groundspeed = 0; // ground speed; static float osd_heading = 0; // ground course heading from GPS static uint8_t osd_throttle = 0; // throtle static float osd_alt_rel = 0; // altitude static float osd_climb = 0; static int16_t osd_pitch = 0; // pitch from DCM static int16_t osd_roll = 0; // roll from DCM static int16_t osd_yaw = 0; static int16_t wp_target_bearing = 0; // Bearing to current MISSION/target in degrees static uint16_t wp_dist = 0; // Distance to active MISSION in meters static float xtrack_error = 0; // Current crosstrack error on x-y plane in meters static uint8_t wp_number = 0; // Current waypoint number static uint16_t chan1_raw = 0; static uint16_t chan2_raw = 0; static uint16_t chan3_raw = 0; static uint16_t chan4_raw = 0; static uint16_t chan5_raw = 0; static uint16_t chan6_raw = 0; static uint16_t chan7_raw = 0; static uint16_t chan8_raw = 0; static uint8_t osd_rssi = 0; //raw value from mavlink static unsigned long mavLinkTimer = 0; static float osd_home_lat = 0; // home latidude static float osd_home_lon = 0; // home longitude static long osd_home_distance = 0; // distance from home //pin static uint16_t buttonPin_Left=3,buttonPin_Right=4; static uint16_t buttonState[4]={0,0,0,0}; static unsigned long buttonTime = 0;

//volt static uint8_t volt_Pin=A0,VoteIdx=0,DspIndex=0,voltAdj=100; static uint16_t volt_ary[20],VoteTotal=0,idle_Count=0; static unsigned long idleTime = 0,voteTime=0,lastMAVBeat=0;

FastSerialPort0(Serial); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void setup() { Serial.begin(57600); mavlink_comm_0_port = &Serial; lcd.begin(16, 2); } void loop() { read_mavlink(); volt=ReadVolt(); lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print(osd_roll); delay(100); }


Robotics Institute 

University of Michigan

© 2021 by Bruce Personal Website. 

Updated on 8/21/2021

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